NY: HUGE WIN! S8352 “Worst Children’s Health Bill Ever” is DEAD.

NY: HUGE WIN! S8352 "Worst Children’s Health Bill Ever" is DEAD.


S8352 "The Worst Children’s Health Bill Ever" Is DEAD!

Sen. Rachel May (Syracuse-D) pulled her bill S8352 that would allow any medical procedure to be done to children of any age without parental knowledge or consent!

And she did it just a few days after we showed up in force in Albany last Wednesday. You showed up, you made thousands of calls, sent thousands of emails and letters, emails, tweets and social media messages. And your efforts worked.

The Senate website says that S8352 was "stricken," which means Senator May requested that the bill be terminated. S8352 no longer exists. Looks like Sen. May woke up and smelled the coffee. Perhaps she realized that she was going to get away with lying about what the bill does, describing it as only affecting homeless minors, when it covered all children, and saying that it only pertained to "certain" medical procedures and products, when it applied to all.

Assemblymember Karines Reyes’s identical bill A6761, however, still exists, but without a companion bill in the Senate it will go nowhere!

Thank you to all who fought so hard to stop this monstrous bill.

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About a12iggymom

Conservative - Christian - Patriot
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