Byron Donalds throws his hat into the ring for Speaker

Check out this Article from AmericanThinker

The House speakership has not been a happy thing for Republicans lately. While Nancy Pelosi was a raging leftist who successfully corralled her party and rammed through the leftist agenda (love her or hate her, she was effective), the same cannot be said for recent Republican speakers. John Boehner and Paul Ryan were RINOs. Kevin McCarthy was much more conservative, and for that he deserves credit, but he reneged on promises, especially about January 6. Since his ouster, though, it’s been one humiliation after another. Now, however, with Byron Donalds having thrown his hat in the ring, there’s hope.

Whether you think Matt Gaetz was bold to punish yet another Republican who failed to work for his base or an idiot to upset the status quo of a decent Speaker is a topic for another day. What we have today is a leaderless Republican party in the House and, given our slender majority, that’s a problem. (There’s a larger problem, of course, which is that we have a leaderless Republican party in toto. Donald Trump should be that leader, but the schism between NeverTrumpers and conservatives is too big for him to fill that role.)

Steve Scalise and Jim Jordan have both gone down in flames, victims of the Vichy Republicans in Congress—and by that, I mean the people who are usually called RINOs. I prefer “Vichy Republicans” because this isn’t your daddy’s Democrat party anymore. As the past few years, and especially the past week, have made clear, the Democrat party has morphed into a stone-cold socialist party that is determined to take over America. Democrats are conquerors, and those who side with them are no longer weak or greedy, they’re complicit.

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About a12iggymom

Conservative - Christian - Patriot
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