Angry Fans Now Rooting AGAINST U.S. Women’s Soccer Team After They Totally Ignored the National Anthem!

Look at the little girls, not one was taught respect.

Let’s paint a picture here.

Vietnam’s national anthem booms across the stadium, and every single player from that team sings out their anthem with the pride of a lioness protecting her cubs. Hands on hearts, voices united, a clear display of patriotism.

It’s a goosebumps moment, folks.

Cut to the US team, where things are a bit less… harmonious.

Out of the eleven players on the field, only five had their hands over their hearts during the Star-Spangled Banner.

That’s less than half, folks.

What’s going on here?

Julie Ertz, Alyssa Naeher, and Lindsey Horan did their part, mouthing the words to the anthem while the rest of the team stood there like they were waiting for a bus.

This is the link:

About a12iggymom

Conservative - Christian - Patriot
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1 Response to Angry Fans Now Rooting AGAINST U.S. Women’s Soccer Team After They Totally Ignored the National Anthem!

  1. malenurseken says:

    Satan is going on here. Satanic MEDIA reporting! WOKE BS! Transgender BS, SCHOOLS, The DEM PARTY!!!…List goes on!

    Liked by 1 person

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