TCN: JUST RELEASED: The Nayib Bukele Interview


Salvadoran President Nayib Bukele is not like most world leaders.

Rather than being engulfed in hubris and naively believing that he, because of his title, is an all-knowing and inherently judicious force, Bukele recognizes his power’s limits and that he is not God.

Other Western officials should take note, because this method is clearly working. Since taking office in 2019, Bukele has completely changed his country’s makeup, transforming it from the murder capital of the world to perhaps the safest country in the Western Hemisphere. And he’s become overwhelmingly popular as a result.

How did he do it? And what should America and the rest of the West learn from his leadership? Bukele sat down with Tucker Carlson just days after being sworn in for a second term, and their interview is out now. This new material has yet to be made available to the public. Only TCN members like you can see it. Click the image below to watch.

The Tucker Carlson Interview

Nayib Bukele tells Tucker:

“This was literally the most dangerous country in the whole world… [and now] El Salvador is safer than the United States as a whole. The U.S. murder rate is about six per 100,000 inhabitants, and our murder rate is two… [and] we did that basically in three years.”

About a12iggymom

Conservative - Christian - Patriot
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