Allen West: Obama makes stunning admission at Tyler Perry’s house in front of lib Hollywood elitists

Obama Pen and Phone

Published on June 19th, 2015 | by Allen West Republic


Obama makes stunning admission at Tyler Perry’s house in front of lib Hollywood elitists

The good news is Obama has finally admitted his presidency has been an unmitigated failure. Remember all that “hope and change” he promised? Well, the President is ready to concede that he didn’t deliver.
By Brian Anderson for Downtrend, via AP:

Obama Blames His Failed Presidency On Congress And The American People

He however predictably can’t own up to his shortcomings and blames it all on Congress and the American people because that just how narcissists roll.
During his bi-monthly fundraising trip to California, Obama made the stunning admission at Tyler Perry’s house in front of a who’s who of liberal Hollywood elitists. From the AP:

President Barack Obama unleashed a torrent of frustration Thursday night over Washington gridlock and acknowledged he has not been able to bring the hope and change to America’s political system that he campaigned on.

… Obama decried inaction over gun control, poverty, stagnant incomes, criminal justice reform and equal opportunity.

Now here’s where it gets funny:

He spoke of a Colorado man who wrote him a letter decrying all that had not been accomplished during his presidency. Obama said the man wrote that he voted for him twice but was “deeply disappointed.”

“He thought that when I got to Washington I could bring people together and make them work more effectively, and the fact of the matter is that Washington is still gridlocked and still seems obsessed with the short-term and the next election instead of the next generation,” Obama said. “And on that issue, I had to tell him, ‘You’re right. I am frustrated and you have every right to be frustrated because Congress doesn’t work the way it should.”

See, the Colorado man was disappointed in Obama being a ……


Obama Blames His Failed Presidency On Congress And The American People – Downtrend

Read More:

I Want My Legacy To Be That They Know That They Screwed With The Wrong Guy — Andrew Breitbart

About a12iggymom

Conservative - Christian - Patriot
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